Terms And Conditions



All Subscriber’s wishing to operate from the Aberdeen Airport Taxi Fleet must agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, along with the Aberdeen Airport Taxi Operating Standards, which will be enforced by Aberdeen International Airport Limited and its managing agent; APCOA (UK Parking) Limited. (“The Company’s Managing Agent”).


For the avoidance of doubt, Subscriber’s will be held directly responsible for their conduct and behaviour while part of The Company’s fleet. All Subscribers must agree to sign up to the Airport’s Taxi Services Operating Standards. Aberdeen International Airport Limited may take enforcement action against any Subscriber if the terms and conditions of this Agreement are not being met. The Subscriber must sign the agreement for each Licence they operate.


The subscriber holds a Taxi Operators Licence from the licensing authority (Aberdeen City Council), in consideration of the payment of the relevant Subscription Fees, the Subscriber wishes to make use of the Company’s equipment and facilities to provide certain taxi services at Aberdeen International Airport Limited (the “Airport”). Therefore, the Licence Holder (hereinafter called the Subscriber) and the Company do hereby agree as follows:








This Agreement shall commence on the date of payment by the Subscriber and shall continue in force until termination or the point where a new agreement is created to supersede this version.


Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other, in which case this Agreement shall terminate on the stated date within the written notice.


The Company may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect on giving notice in writing to the Subscriber if the Subscriber or any of the Subscriber’s Drivers has committed a serious breach of any of the terms of this Agreement.

Termination of this Agreement by either party shall not affect any rights or remedies for any antecedent breach, nor sums due or falling due and that arose prior to or on termination.




The driver shall pay for the services provided by the Company (the “Barrier Access Fee”) payable by Online portal. This will incorporate a £7.00 charge effective from 04:00 to 22:00 and a reduced charge of £2 from 22:00 to 04:00 for every pickup performed at any of Aberdeen International Airport and partners dedicated passenger terminals





If provided the Company’s data system, payment card or any equipment required by the Company in providing the Aberdeen Airport Taxi Service must only be installed, maintained, repaired and removed by the Company and its approved suppliers.


If on inspection any such authorised supplier advises the Company that they are of the opinion that any of the equipment supplied by the Company provided to a Subscriber has been the subject of repair or alteration, then further repair or replacement will be refused until a full investigation has taken place and any associated costs have been paid to the Company by the Subscriber.


The Subscriber will also be liable to pay the cost of any repairs to any of the Company’s equipment which has been damaged due to accident, incorrect use, misuse or negligence. The Subscriber’s will also be liable to pay for a replacement payment t card if this it has been lost, stolen or damaged. The cost of replacement card being £10.


If the event of any breach of the Agreement by the Subscriber and/or any of the Subscriber’s Drivers, the Company reserves the right to switch off and/or remove any and all equipment so provided by the Company as part of this Agreement, including the removal of access,), until such time as the relevant breach is remedied by the Subscriber and/or any of the Subscriber’s Drivers.


On termination or expiry of this Agreement (howsoever occurring), the Company shall be entitled to remove all equipment so provided by the Company as part of this Agreement.






Any Licence transfer(s) must be authorised by Aberdeen City Council and hereafter notified to the Company. This Agreement is personal to the Subscriber and shall terminate in the event that Aberdeen City Council approves the transfer of the Subscriber’s Licence to a third party, and such third party shall be required to enter into a new and separate Subscriber’s contract with the Company.





The Subscriber shall be entitled to display such advertising on or in the Subscriber’s Taxi Vehicle(s) as are approved in writing by both Aberdeen City Council and the Company. Any Subscriber whose taxi vehicle(s) is found to be in breach of this requirement or contravenes the terms of any written agreement permitting the same shall be required to remove the relevant advertising from the Taxi Vehicle(s) and may be denied entry on to the forecourt at the Airport and the ability to obtain work via the Company’s equipment until such times as the relevant advertising is removed from the Taxi Vehicle(s). The Subscriber agrees that they may also be subject to disciplinary action in respect of any such breach of this requirement.




In the event that the Subscriber and/or any of the Subscriber’s Drivers are found to be in breach of the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, the Subscriber and Subscriber’s Drivers may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including ceasing the business relationship with immediate effect, and the Company reserves the right to also insist that the Subscriber attends any disciplinary meeting held with the Subscriber’s Drivers. The Subscriber and the Subscriber’s Drivers agree to comply in full of the terms of the Aberdeen International Airport Taxi Operating Standards as are in force from time to time (the terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement).





All communications between the Company and the Subscribers can be delivered in person through meetings, email, phone call, text message, or sent by post.




This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with Scottish Law, and the parties hereby and will submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.


I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and further agree to abide by them at all ties and accept this Agreement will be enforced, where appropriate, by the Company if necessary.





This document is designed to set out the expected standards required for any licensed taxi driver operating for Aberdeen Airport Limited (AIAL). The aim is to develop a one team philosophy between AIAL, the Aberdeen Airport Taxi drivers and APCOA Parking, where we all strive to deliver growth for the Airport taxi business by delivering excellent customer service and standards




Our objective is to grow the airport taxi business as we have done with other modes of onward transport, by putting a focussed management on business growth and service.

To achieve this objective, this set of operating conditions shall accordingly apply to all Aberdeen Airport Licensed Taxi Drivers.






Arriving passengers at the heliports must also be considered and taxis should be available at peak arrival times throughout the week. Drivers must adhere to the agreed queuing system while servicing the heliports. Drivers must move up the rank if requested to by AIAL/APCOA staff.




The following passenger charging requirements shall apply:


1.    Strict Adherence always to the Aberdeen City Council Tariff card for destinations within Aberdeen City

2.    Drivers may negotiate fare for destinations out with Aberdeen City, but the fare must NOT exceed the tariff

3.    Drivers will not apply any surcharge while taking payment by credit or debit card

4.    Drivers will accept credit or debit cards at the customer’s request for any fare of any amount

5.    Drivers will accept account hires as issued through the Trapeze system or manually at the rank



AIAL will provide the following:


1.    Android Handset (IF AVAILABLE)

2.    Cab Treasure Application License

3.    Handset charging equipment (IF AVAILABLE)

4.    Handset cradle (IF AVAILABLE)

5.    Business Cards (IF AVAILABLE)

6.    Cash Receipts (IF AVAILABLE)

7.    Roof-sign livery (IF AVAILABLE)


Aberdeen Airport Taxi drivers will supply their own credit card system or application.

If an android device that is provided is damaged, a fee will be made to AIAL to cover the cost for the replacement handset.


All drivers will be issued with a unique PIN Code for logging onto the “CabTreasure Driver” application and cannot log into the application until they have been given this code. The code will be issued following presentation of their relevant documents including vehicle and driver taxi license documentation and the AIAL signed Operating Standards and Contract. Drivers will not be allowed access to the inner forecourt or the wider Airport Operation unless there are current and valid Taxi Vehicle and Taxi Driver Licences uploaded to the portal.


Drivers should never share their PIN code or log into the application with any other driver’s PIN code.


APCOA will provide the following:


1.    Personal Log in to APCOA Online Portal




Drivers shall ensure that:


1.    Every driver must, always, comply with Aberdeen City Council’s Licensing conditions as are in force from time to time;

2.    Whilst operating at Aberdeen Airport or Heliports, the driver must be logged into the “CabTreasure Driver” android application. If there is an issue with accessing this it must be faulted immediately to the Forecourt Coordinator

3.    When picking up at the Airport or Heliports, Drivers must ensure that they advise the Forecourt Coordinator that they have picked up a passenger via engagement of the “CabTreasure Driver”

4.    Relevant licenses must be submitted to APCOA via the portal and must be updated accordingly as and when required. Failure to do so will result in suspension from rank

5.    Trips should not be refused unless there is a clear legitimate reason as agreed with the Forecourt Coordinator

6.    Any passenger wishing to pay by credit/debit card must be allowed with no encouragement to use cash

7.    Every journey destination should be accepted in a positive, customer friendly manner regardless of distance and if a driver refuses for any reason, they return to the rear of the rank and the incident shall be reported to the Taxi Manager

8.    The shortest practical route is taken to every specified destination. Any deviation from this will only be with the passenger’s consent after clearly explaining the cost impact of the proposed longer route

9.    Drivers must always conduct themselves in a professional customer focussed manner

10. It is the Driver’s responsibility to load passenger luggage when required. Luggage can be stored in any part of the vehicle if it is safe to do so 

11. Drivers must drive responsibly and must be courteous to other road users

12. The taxi vehicle must be properly maintained and kept in a safe and clean condition

13. Drivers must be able to use all equipment and software provided by AIAL and its authorised personnel including but not limited to, the android phone provided

14. Wheelchair assistance equipment must be serviceable, and the driver must be able to safety operate the equipment. Wheelchair passengers must be loaded into the taxi vehicle as per standard loading procedures using ramps

15. No driver is permitted to smoke within their taxi at any time. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas around the airport

16. No driver is permitted to drive whilst using a mobile phone handset

17. Drivers should not unnecessarily idle their vehicles whilst at Aberdeen Airport and turn off engines to reduce emissions

18. Drivers must follow the correct queuing system adhering to positional number at all times

19. Drivers must not act in a way that brings the Company into disrepute

20. Drivers must follow all reasonable requests from the Company

21. Drivers must never communicate in a way that is abusive to Staff, Customers or fellow drivers

1.    Drivers must only promote the AIAL Taxi service within their vehicles. All other taxi related notices and promotions should be removed. All other advertising must be authorised by the Taxi Manager




Aberdeen Airport Taxi Drivers shall comply in full of the terms of Aberdeen Airport’s Customer Charter and agree to act as an Ambassador for Aberdeen Airport to deliver excellent customer service in support of Aberdeen Airport’s commitment to their passengers.


1.    Meet and greet every passenger by getting out the vehicle to assist them as required

2.    Issue clear and comprehensive info on journey prices to the passenger prior to commencing if requested

3.    Treat every passenger with respect and make them feel valued

4.    No Smoking in the taxi rank in any area other than the designated smoking shelter

5.    Endeavour to actively assist passengers with non-taxi related queries in a courteous manner

6.    Do not use inappropriate language towards any passenger, member of the public, other drivers, Airport staff or any other third-party staff including users of the airport forecourt

7.    Comply with AIALs agreed uniform standards which shall include the wearing of:




Permitted attire (Examples)

·         plain shirt, polo shirt, dress or blouse

·         dress jacket

·         dress trousers or skirt

·         dress shoes

·         taxi/private hire company branded clothing

 Prohibited attire (Examples)

·         jeans

·         t-shirts

·         tracksuit trousers or tops

·         trainers

·         football shirts


Non-compliant drivers will be asked to go home and return once appropriately dressed.


8.    Always attempt to resolve any passenger issue or complaint at the time whilst respecting the passenger’s comments and try to reach a satisfactory resolution to the matter. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, drivers shall request that the passenger contacts the Taxi Manager and will supply the passenger with the contact details.


9.    Not attempt to abuse the Airports/APOCA’s complaint’s procedure or prevent any passenger raising an issue or complaint with AIAL/APCOA









It is imperative that all self-employed subscribers to Aberdeen Airport Taxis strictly adhere to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. Any breaches of these terms may result in the termination of the business relationship with Aberdeen Airport Taxis, as determined by management.


If a driver is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions, Aberdeen Airport Taxi Driver management will conduct an investigation. The outcome of this investigation may lead to the immediate termination of the business relationship, among other potential actions as deemed necessary by management.


To maintain a productive and professional working relationship, it is essential that all self-employed subscribers fully understand and comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.